Instead, I prepared my house and watered my plants and packed the car, I was on time when I reached my destination! You can guess at how often that happens, since I'm mentioning it, huh?
My first stop was my step-son's house (that's him up above right after I married the hottie he's walking next to), he hopped into the car and we then headed off to a drive-in movie with my mom, sister-in-law, nieces and nephew. We then stayed with my brother and sister-in-law for two nights! The little girls always wish for a sleep-over that lasts for two nights. So the kids got cousin time, played inside and out-side, watched movie after movie, and ate and ate and ate. I kissed little girl cheeks and held the most handsome baby boy, ever (since my last two nephews were babies), and got in some much needed snuggling with my step-son. He's 10 years old now but he and I are the kind of people that like to sit CLOSE to the people that we love.
We came home on Saturday night after a little shopping at my favorite store for a birthday gift for my mother-in-law. I'd show ya what I got her but it's already wrapped! Wrapping is really my thing so I'm usually inspired to get it done.

She and my father-in-law recently bought a new bistro table and chairs set for their covered patio so this was purchased with that in mind. We'll take it by on our way through their town on Tuesday when I take my step-son home in time for Summer School. The long square package is a set of 4 unbreakable tumblers, and the long round one is sparkling pink lemon aid in a beautiful bottle. The cupcakes are something I felt the urge to try out. They're strawberry, banana cupcakes with a butter cream frosting (my fave after cream cheese). I'll tell you all about it tomorrow or the next day. You'll see below that I didn't make them from scratch, I just had an itch to do some baking.

After we came home Saturday night, we went to see a movie! We saw Alice in Wonderland, though I had seen it with my mom last week, my step-son had not. It was well worth the second viewing. Even better the second time, I think!
Today is Sunday and I slept later than I am willing to admit. Then I did the usual stuff that happens when one comes home from a little trip. After that, I made those fresh strawberry cupcakes (which didn't turn out very pink). But then... we had a little party in the backyard with some of the neighbor boys. Have I mentioned that we don't have any girls in this neighborhood? So we built a fire in the pit, the boys roasted some beef franks, then some marshmallows and we made s'mores.

It was such a good time that I'm willing to try it again tomorrow night! I think we'll have a little camp-out in our back-yard.
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