That was the ickiest, messiest, most primitive experience I've ever had.
I've seen some ultra nasty refrigerators in my life and, actually this one didn't come close, but this one is my own, and its the grossest my own has ever been.
Want to make fruit leather? Just leave a jar of jelly on its side for awhile, see what it comes to. There was another kinda of leather under the drawer which came as a shock to me. It wasn't fruit though. More like beef jerky leather, except I think it came from relish. Blah.
My mother would be so proud of me for my moment of motivation, actually probably horrified that it took so long to hit me. Motivation and I have rarely crossed in the last few months? Maybe a bit longer than that... I do sweep my floors and clean my bathrooms regularly though.
I would have taken a picture but I didn't want proof that I could live in such a way! Really though on a scale of 1 to 10, I give this a solid 5. Gross, but didn't really take long to clean up.
Thank you Pinterest for little ideas like press and seal lined shelves...even though it didn't seem to work. I'll try again in the future.
Wow. Thanks for tuning in for this very important message today. Now go clean something.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
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