While I was trying to figure out how to keep my gift wrap handy, accessible, and organized my [brilliant] mom and I came up with a little laundry room conversion. We got an idea to hang the ribbon & wrapping paper from the wall and let the dryer do double duty as a gift wrap station. Since this photo was taken I have added another rod for paper. These can be switched out as needed but are so convenient to keep that wrap available. You can't see it but between the wall and the dryer is a desk-top file folder sorter that I've filed many rolls of paper into for organization and easy grab-ability. I am sure this in going to continue to evolve and as that happens I'll keep you up to date.

Above the rolls of paper and ribbons, on the shelf, are some other goodies. The baskets and boxes contain ribbons, bubble wrap, bows, small boxes, pens, scissors, tape, greeting cards, and gift tags. Nearly the entirety of my collection. I just can't get enough!
We love this game!!!! :) (Darlene insists on me putting my name soooo) -Acacia :)
ReplyDeleteBaaahaaa! Thanks! I'm so glad you did because I thought it WAS Darlene! We love this game toooo!