So, I guess things don't just happen over night then? I was really hoping to slash through my closet and dump a bunch of junk. I found out that I am much more attached to a lot of my clothes than I realized... so I've made one pass and I took out about 35 items (of my own thank you). I'll make another pass in a week or so and see what shakes down. In the mean time I am evaluating another option. The option of putting all this extra in a tote for the next year, surely by then my current pieces will be thread bare. So I'll go shopping in my own closet for a few more items to replace my Raggedy-Ann blouses. The idea here is that it's rather dumb to ditch your clothes and then have to buy 3 or even 5 more shirts in a year. Does it sound like I'm making excuses? It feels like it sounds like I am.
Cap chose about 35 of his own shirts and pants (mostly shirts) to send off too. We have two huge shopping bags full of clothes. Our closet looks a little better. Only a little.
As for my wardrobe, I have only settled on 3 tops. I can't decide what the fourth should be and if I should have at least 2 long-sleeved or sweater type shirts. Ya know, cause we're heading into winter here and looking at degrees below zero at some points. Might get chilly under my coat right? Help me! Shoes too, I have no idea what to do about them. I've been wearing out a pair of "ballet" flats for the fall but I don't think they'll do for winter. So what will. I have a couple pair of boots but they have heels and I don't think they'd be great either. So, 1 sneakers, 1 church shoes, and what about the everyday stuff? Keep the ballet flats? Use my old worn out Mary-Jane's? I can't think of another option.
As soon as I settle on the other two shirts I'll post some pictures of my choices.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
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